Join us in a reflective journey through Street Academy's digital archives as we celebrate the enduring legacy of our school's commitment to community service. The following excerpt from a letter by Betsy Schulz, our Board Co-President, written 13 years ago, captures the essence of our students' dedication to making a difference in the world around them:
"Community involvement and service is another important pillar of the Street Academy philosophy. Through projects of the biology and physiology classes this year, a dozen pints of blood were donated, 10 acres of endangered Brazilian rain-forest were saved, 110 pounds of food was collected for the food bank, and over 50 hours were donated to cleaning Lake Merritt. Seniors each completed 60 hours of community service as one of their graduation requirements, and other students participated in various other service projects as well. Students from the social studies classes completed Political Action Units through participation in elections or attending the ACLU conference. Students from the Relationship Abuse Prevention class created a Dating Violence Policy for the schools and even testified in Sacramento. Students working with BAY-Peace testified before the Oakland school board in support of restricting military recruiters from campuses." - Betsy Schulz
This snapshot from our past showcases the profound impact our students have had on both the local community and the world at large. Their actions reflect Street Academy’s core values of service, diversity appreciation, and a strong commitment to social justice. As we look back on these accomplishments, we are inspired to continue fostering a sense of responsibility and activism within our students, ensuring that the legacy of impact and care endures for generations to come. Let us all be motivated by our history to contribute positively to our communities, carrying forward the tradition of impactful service that defines Street Academy.